LOS ANGELES -- Donald Sterling began testifying Tuesday at the probate trial vs. his estranged wife Shelly -- and it was not a pretty scene for the roughly one hour he was on the stand.
Sterling almost immediately in response to questions by Shelly's attorneys, said: "What kind of question is that? I'm talking about your question, all of them. I'm sure they will improve."
Matters were not helped by 85-year-old lawyer Bert Fields being hard to hear, and 80-year-old Donald Sterling a little hard of hearing.
Donald, still more combatively, went on. "Do you rely on CNN for your information?"
At that, Judge Michael Levanas, smiling, said: "Anybody here from CNN?"
Again in response to a question from Fields, Sterling said: "I don't talk to the NBA. I don't talk to your firm. I just talk to my lawyers."
The trial will continue Wednesday, with Donald Sterling back on the stand and back facing questioning from Fields. Sterling is arguing that his wife, who had him removed as co-trustee after two doctors examined him in May and concluded he is mentally incapacitated, could not unilaterally sell the team on behalf of the Sterling Family Trust because he revoked the trust on June 9.
Outside the courthouse after the session, Fields told news media: "All of you now know what Donald Sterling is. ... The more and more and more he gives the more you guys saw the real Donald Sterling.
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